
Sunday, September 21, 2008

This is a great money making survey site

Hi guys, Right here I will show you how to get PREMIUM account for FREE!!!. Yes !!! For free. No matter where you come from, its always free.

Here's how:
1. Go to AW.Surveypage and register (its free and fast), You will get 6 dollars just for signing up. Wow!! 6 dollars just for singing up? Cool isn't it?

2. Create a Paypal account. This is absolutely FREE!!. You won't pay anything. Believe me.
(If it asks for your credit card or bank account just click "Cancel")

3. Now with your account created at step 1, You can easily earn money on the site, answer and fill up the survey for and you'll have BIG CASH INCENTIVES!!!
Click on "Redeem Money" and you will get your money sent to your Paypal account.

4. Now just go to Rapidshare and register your 1 year premium account.

$6.00 Welcome Survey After Free Registration!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Build traffic and money here->>>

Want me to tell you the truth? That all famous bloggers around the world started with a daily earnings of a little less than 1 dollar? I mean, it doesn't happen overnight? It not just one click of a finger nor a good night sleep and kaboom!! big money. No? Thats not what it is. Its perseverance. Its creativity. Its originality. Its not just by pure luck.
Here, come here, let me tell you a secret. ITS ADVERTISING. You adevertise your blog, create discussions for your blog, convince people and have them interested. Of course, with original articles they will come back or either subscribe. Thats it. Now, the hard part, advertising.
Advertising your blog is just like advertising a product. have a good description. For example mine (althought i'm not saying that mine is a very good one) " Submit, be reviewed, be known, be popular" its just like connecting to the readers that you submit and be popular. You should connect your blog title with your blog description.
The medium:
There are many websites where you can submit your blog and advertise. I'll just give you some that can really help you improve your traffic and earn money: is 100% free blog directory where you can manage your blog and use the built-in tools for your site. You determine your blog category depending on the type of your site. is another good blog directory. its also 100% free. But remember, before you're site is added to their directory listing they need to approved it. No pornograpy, copyright infringing, illegal and /or games is accepted by is a blog search engine. You can also submit your blog thru here. Blogs here are also categorized. is another blog directory and search engine. Much like other blog directory they also use button widgets to increase your traffic rank. is a social website. You can also add your blog here to further boost your traffic. What you have to do is click on the person to follow and they'll do the same with you. Now you can advertise your blog in your mesage board. The only thing is selecting people to follow is time consuming but in the end its all worth it. Need a starting point? Just follow me.

Need some suggestions? Want articles pertaining to money and traffic? You come to the right place. Click here.

Design the AUGI way

Are you a new in designing? Do you use Autodesk products in your work?Well if yes then this site is for you.
Autodesk User Group International is a worldwide intitution / group of people concerned with Autodesk development. This group have affiliate sub groups and local groups iin every country. This site also has some valuable materials for newbies, professionals and CAD managers alike. AUGI has their own training program, e-learning and plenty of hand-outs to choose from to enhance your skills as an Autodesk user.
AUGI industry ranges from CAD management, building design, land development, programming, information & technology, general design & drafting and education. Likewise, e-learning futures various sets of tutorials on the concepts and features of Autodesk.
To further promote the group of AUGI, they released their own publications such as AUGI World. This online magazine helps readers improve and learn new techniques on the use of their Autodesk products. Further more, it also provide subscribers with tip & tricks and other technical CAD management affairs. The other set of publication for AUGI is AUGI HotNews. This magazine informs the users and readers of the hottest nes about Autodesk product, modifications, advancements and future releases of the product. This publications actually brings the users and readers alike up to date on the current technological & conceptual advancement in
This is a good site if you are a designer and you want to stay updated in the latest design news. Join AUGI, learn and improve.

To my fellow bloggers

Thank you very much in viewing my blog. If you have any suggestions or comments just mail me at
Is there anything, any site you want me reviewed? Just mail it. Its my service to you, to you my co-bloggers.
Again, thank you.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Groove to the Musicovery

On my first post I would like to share to you a great site for music lovers on the net, its called Musicovery. This internet music player can play various random music depending on the mood of the listener.
This is one good colorful music player that gives the user flexibility in using the device. Besides from fine tuning and categorizing the site, it also gives the user unlimited choices of genres and music to choose from. Now listen to this, this is the most important, the great thing is you can select which decade of music yo wanna play. Right! So even if you're sixty, or fourty, or thirty, they have it!

With an Alexa ranking of 15,050, I think this site does not deserve it. It should be higher. So whats your thought? But, with new exposure it can get from this blog, this certainly would improve!
Ok so this is now one of my favorite, so what are you waiting for, lets Musicovery now.

Alexa Ranking : 15,050

Test your blog here->

Now this is one good SEO tool. Better check this or your out. This site offers FREE evaluation of your website based on your meta data, your heading summary, image summary, analyzes your interior page, your domain information, the google rankings plus many more. It also sends out the report into your email address wherein you can analyze that data given to you to address the faults on your website. That great huh?!
If your a blogger this could be of great importance to you because it also analyzes your social medium, you competitiveness and your historical data.
This tool can also be used to analyze your site against others of your liking. It compares yours from a much different perspective that others. It also teaches you how to improve your site to be much more competitive. As this site says:
Now if you want greater accuracy for your site you can ask for a demo live custom demonstration, well only in the US and Canada that is. But, on the overall performance and usability of this site, I give it 8.5 out of 10. Thats should be acceptable don't you think?
Now go there and improve your own:-)

Alexa Ranking: 183, 626

Click the picture for the link